AXELSPACE Corporation has become a corporate member of the University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC) and UNISEC-Global, a non-profit organization that promotes essential expertise for the space industry through practical education and also contributes to job creation in the space industry.
Details of the collaboration with UNISEC at this time are as follows
■UNISEC-AXELSPACE Aerospace Engineering Program
Axelspace and UNISEC have jointly developed the training program (Aerospace Engineering Program) for Axelspace’s engineers, and the first class period started in October. Participants will watch training videos and participate in sessions where they can ask technical questions and hold discussions with experts.
The Aerospace Engineering Program offers training on small satellites and space development to all engineers in Axelspace’s Engineering division.The contents range from overall satellite project development to more detailed technical knowledge of the different subsystems in a satellite.
The objective of this program is to help engineers new to the space industry understand the development of small satellites, giving them a good chance for their personal engineering growth, while further increasing the development speed, quality and increasing the mutual understanding between the different specialized teams. AXELSPACE’s “small satellite system” is a collection of extremely complicated and wide-range technologies, including not only satellite development (FS proposal, design, and manufacturing), but also satellite operation and business operation (e.g., AxelGlobe image product development). After launch, it’s difficult to apply fixes, and operation has to happen non-stop while enduring the harsh space environment. In order to do business utilizing microsatellites, it is important to deeply understand the domain technologies and the system engineering that integrates and operates everything together appropriately.
AXELSPACE participates in the SPACE JOB FAIR held by UNISEC on a regular basis. The most recent schedule is as follows.
Date: Wednesday, November 23
(Nihonbashi Mitsui Tower 7F, 2-1-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
AXELSPACE related contents:
Morning: Recruitment presentation by each company
(Yoshihiro Ota, CSO of Axelspace will be speaking)
Lunch time: Office tour (with light lunch)
■NPO University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC)

UNISEC has three missions: “human resource development,” “technology development,” and “outreach,” and promotes and supports activities that interlink each of these missions. They also believe that they can make long-term contributions to society by sticking to these missions.
Location: 2F Central Yayoi, 2-3-2 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Satofumi Kuwabara
(Associate Professor, Space Robotics Laboratory, Department of Aerospace
Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
Year of Establishment: April 23, 2002 (certification date as a NPO: February 14, 2003)
Member schools: 36 schools (54 universitiess)
Number of NPO members: Corporate members: 24 organizations, Individual members: 240
Number of student members: 803
Axelspace Corporation
Location: Tokyo, Japan
President and CEO: YUYA NAKAMURA
Founded August 8, 2008
Capital: 7,122 million yen (including capital reserve)
Main business activities: Earth observation business using microsatellites, proposal of solutions utilizing microsatellites, design and manufacture of microsatellites and related components, launch arrangements for microsatellites, and operational support and commissioning.
Contact Information for Media
Axelspace Corporation
Corporate Strategy Division, PR Unit Leader
Mayumi Ichikado