Prime Minister Prize also given to the “Hodoyoshi Project”, to which Axelspace participates
Axelspace Corporation (HQ: Tokyo; CEO: Yuya Nakamura), was awarded the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the Third Space Development and Utilization Grand Prize held by the Cabinet Office of Japan. At the same time, the Prime Minister Award was given to the “Hodoyoshi Project”, led by Tokyo University Professor Shin’ichi Nakasuka and to which Axelspace participates, making this a double success for the company.
The Grand Prize, organized by the Space Policy Committee of the Cabinet Office, gives recognition to highly successful, pioneering endeavors that greatly contribute to advancements in the development and utilization of space. Through this recognition, the Space Policy Committee intends to encourage further progress in the field and to increase public understanding and interest in it. More information can be found at the following link (Japanese):
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award
The prize was awarded to Axelspace for the “construction of AxelGlobe, a micro-satellite-based infrastructure capable of imaging the whole Earth daily”. AxelGlobe’s objective is to create the next-generation Earth-observation infrastructure and is expected to be completed in 2022. Comprised of 50 satellites, it will be able to capture imagery of the whole landmass of our planet every day. Through such a high capture frequency, it will be possible to analyze the small changes that happen on the Earth’s surface day by day, providing critical insights to numerous industries such as agriculture, urban planning, energy and environment.

Concept of AxelGlobe’s operation.

Observation of daily changes in large-scale fields.

Ship recognition.

Building and road recognition.
Comments from the Selection Committee
“This is a laudable undertaking combining many achievements like industry-academia collaboration, the nurturing of young entrepreneurs, the development of innovative technologies and the Japanese-based challenge of a global market. Even though the satellites haven’t been launched yet, development and market establishment are progressing. We have high expectations for their future as Japan’s flagship enterprise.” (Extract from the documents published by the Cabinet Office)
The Prime Minister Award
Professor Shin’ichi Nakasuka of the Tokyo University and the “Hodoyoshi Project” team have been awarded the Prime Minister Award for its highly remarkable success, praising the “contribution of the Hodoyoshi Project to the industrialization of micro-satellites and to international collaboration”. Axelspace is responsible for the design, development and operation of the Hodoyoshi-1 micro-satellite, which has also laid the technological foundations for the development of the AxelGlobe project.
Comments from the Selection Committee
“This project has not only led to the birth and growth of several new enterprises, but it has focused on the diffusion and cultivation of the technology at an international level.” (Extract from the documents published by the Cabinet Office)